We nurture girls to believe they can do and be more

The Ann Bancroft Foundation supports Minnesota girls in grades K-12 to live their dreams and imagine something bigger through grants, mentorship, and ongoing development opportunities. 

Our purpose

Supporting a girl today strengthens our community now and into the future

We envision a world in which all who identify as a girl have a chance to live their dream and reach their full potential. 

  • Apply for a grant

    We believe in you. Open to K-12 girls who haven’t received an ABF Grant and have the desire to pursue a dream. There’s an opportunity for every girl to reach their full potential.

  • Extend your opportunities with a Trailblazer Fellowship

    Ready to take your dreams to another level? Previous ABF Grant recipients in grades 9-12 can apply to get a head start to independence, college, and/or career.

Our Impact

We support girls in living their dreams and imagining something bigger

The Ann Bancroft Foundation achieves this through grants, mentorship and ongoing development opportunities.

  • 307
    ABF Grants awarded in 2023
  • 28
    Trailblazer Fellowship applications received
  • 38
    Minnesota counties represented by our grant recipients

Our community

Meet our 2024-2025 Trailblazer Fellows

After receiving more than 30 applications, we've selected 10 incredible high school students to be part of the second Trailblazer Fellowship class. Here's a look at each worthy fellow.