Ella Kahn

Eagan, 12th grade
2025-2026 Trailblazer Fellow

Ella’s dream is to build a nonprofit that teaches the science of neurodiversity to kids, then pairs those kids with neurodivergent mentors. Ella will use the Trailblazer Fellowship grant to publish a children’s book on the science of neurodiversity. 

Her previous Ann Bancroft grant helped her attend a program at Stanford University to study neurodiversity advocacy. While at Stanford, Ella and her group developed a video game that teaches the science of neurodiversity to kids called Pos-Ability. Ella has been working with the Women's Foundation of Minnesota through their Innovator Program to write a children's book about neurodiversity.

Outside of school, Ella practices Krav Maga (self-defense) where she enjoys learning how to stand up for herself and others. A piece of advice Ella would offer her younger self is “It’s okay to dream big; in fact, it’s amazing!” I think the world tells people, especially girls, that ambition is not a good trait to have. We’re taught from a young age that we’re supposed to be like everyone else. I want to tell my younger self that even if it’s not written down as history, I can make my own path. Thoughtfully, but not obediently.”