The Ann Bancroft Foundation Legacy Society

Join the Ann Bancroft Foundation Legacy Society and secure bright futures for girl-identifying youth in Minnesota

Member benefits

Become a member of the Ann Bancroft Foundation Legacy Society

To deepen your involvement in our organization, we offer Legacy Society members:

  • The opportunity to make your gift in honor or memory of a loved one
  • Invitations to special ABF events, including the Legacy Society-specific event
  • Recognition as a Legacy Society member in our Annual Report, if desired*
  • Ongoing recognition as a Legacy Society member on the Foundation’s webpage, if desired*
  • Opportunities for future donor spotlights*

*You may contribute to the Legacy Society anonymously, if you wish.

Gift options

You may be eligible for tax advantages

Donors are encouraged to consult with a professional advisor to determine a tax-advantageous planned giving option for their philanthropic intentions.

  • Bequest

    Include the Ann Bancroft Foundation in your will or revocable living trust, deferring your gift until after your lifetime. It costs nothing in your lifetime, the contribution will be exempt from federal estate tax, and ensures our future for generations to come.

  • IRA

    Name us as a whole or partial beneficiary of the plan. Your contribution is exempt from federal estate tax and ensures our future for generations to come.

  • Life insurance

    Name the Ann Bancroft Foundation as beneficiary on an existing policy or transfer ownership on a policy no longer needed.  Premiums are fully paid by donor. Make a large gift at little cost. Receive an income tax charitable deduction, under most circumstances.  Reduce future estate tax liability.

  • Gift of Cash or Securities

    Write a check, transfer long-term appreciated stock or other securities, or give online today. Immediate charitable deduction of full fair market value.  Avoidance of capital gains tax. Removes taxable assets from the estate.

  • Planned Giving

    Ready to make an impact?

    To join this remarkable group, donors should first provide the following language to their lawyer or financial professional:

    “I / We have elected to provide an estate gift to the Ann Bancroft Foundation (TIN: 41-1691868) located in St. Paul, Minnesota in the following manner:  ______________.  The estimated value of this gift is _________.”

    Secondly, it is very helpful in terms of planning purposes if donors forward copies of the relevant portions of their estate planning documents and/or beneficiary designations.

    This paperwork can be directed to:


    Amy Eppen
    Development Director

    (612) 338-5752


    Ethelind Kaba
    Executive Director

    (612) 338-5752