Yoko, D2D '16
Yoko was awarded a Dare to Dream grant in the spring of 2016 to participate in a three-week summer writing program at Carleton College. While she went into the experience hoping to gain the writing skills she would need to be successful in college, she left with so much more.
Yoko shared with us the journal she kept throughout the program, in which she reflected on her activities, feelings, and the things she learned. The following is an excerpt from her journal: “I will always remember the people I met, the academic skills I need to improve on, and the conversations we had. It has been the absolute best three weeks of my life.”
Reflection on her grant, Yoko said: “The Ann Bancroft Foundation scholarship allowed me to learn about writing and critical thinking skills at the Carleton Summer Writing Program. This, in the longterm, has set me up to be a better college student. As I am in my first year, I am adjusting to the changes that include multiple papers per semester, complex readings, and more. I have had a smoother transition because I am able to refer back to my writing program experience along with other experiences.”
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