
2024 Summer Fellowship Update

Hear from Mia Stipkovits about her travels with her youth orchestra, an ensemble part of the music organization called Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies.

As I reflect on this past summer of 2024, I have to say it is one brimming with moments to remember.  Traveling and seeing more of the world has always provoked some of my greatest internal growth, and having the opportunity to tour southern France and Barcelona with my youth orchestra has further opened my eyes to the never-ending beauty of art, music, people, and so much more.  From the fairytale streets of France to the vibrant murals and mosaics spotting every corner of Barcelona, I was overwhelmed with the intricate detail and life that surrounded me, and it made me feel all the more lucky to be sharing music with my fellow musicians.

With the help of the Ann Bancroft Foundation, I was able to go on this once in a lifetime trip with my beloved orchestra, an ensemble part of the music organization called Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies.  My favorite pieces in our repertoire included Stravinsky’s ‘The Firebird’ Suite and Pablo Casals’ ‘Song of the Birds’, and performing these in the Palau de la Musica in Barcelona was a personal highlight of the tour.  Other highlights for me included swimming in the Mediterranean (and getting my daily sodium intake from swallowing too much salt water), eating croissants for breakfast just about every day, and seeing the black Victorian style balconies overflowing with flowers of each charming apartment.  Simply walking through the cobblestone streets and passing ancient churches was thrilling to my old soul, and I imagined many a time what it would be like to live in such a place.

Being able to learn and share the challenging yet incredible tour repertoire was an amazing experience for me, and in this past year I’ve grown in musical technique, expression, and confidence.  Additionally, the Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellowship has not only supported me in pursuing these musical endeavors, but has given me the gift of a community of fellow grantees who are all driven and serious about their own passions.  I’ve gotten to know each of these fellowship members over the past months, and it’s so neat to hear updates on how everyone is doing and to see the hard work and creativity everyone is pouring into what they love to do.  We’ve been able to learn from each other, give our honest and varying perspectives to one another, and have mature yet fun conversations.  It’s been a unique experience that takes a special organization like ABF to put together.

Music is one of my greatest sources of joy, and being able to see the world to share it is such a gift.  As I look forward, I’m very excited to keep playing music seriously and to grow simply as a person, and ABF is a community I hope to keep close as I continue to find my way.