
Announcing Inaugural Class of Ann Bancroft Trailblazer Fellows

After receiving over 30 applications, ABF has now selected 8 incredible high school students as part of the Trailblazer Fellowship inaugural class.

The Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellowship allows previous ABF grantees (Trailblazers) who are currently in 9th to 12th grade to apply for a new grant (up to $2500) to fund a dream and as a head start on their road to independence, college, and career.

The Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellowship experience prepares participants to dream bolder as they prepare for the next stage after high school, deepening significant gains in their ability to succeed. The experience allows Trailblazers to thrive through connection, confidence, creativity, individuality, risk-taking, and courage. Fellows each receive up to $2500 to pursue a dream and are also able to:

  • Participate in a year-long cohort experience full of self-discovery, goal setting, and skill building activities, including networking opportunities and mentorship experience
  • Learn about individual strengths and how to apply them
  • Deepen relationships with mentors, cohort fellows, and the Ann Bancroft Foundation community and other services to fuel dreaming and turn those dreams into realities.
  • Develop insights and skills to pursue additional opportunities and resources
  • Commit to a year-long cohort process with no more than four cohort meetings
  • After receiving over 30 applications, ABF has now selected 8 incredible high school students as part of the Trailblazer Fellowship inaugural class. 

Here is a look at each worthy fellow: