Press Release

Announcing the 2024 - 2025 Class of Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellows

ST. PAUL, MN (April 17, 2024) − The Ann Bancroft Foundation (ABF) is proud to announce the 2024 – 2025 Trailblazer Fellowship cohort. The Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellowship allows previous ABF grantees (Trailblazers) who are currently in 9th to 12th grade to apply for a new grant to fund a dream and as a head start on their road to independence, college, and career. Ten high school students from diverse backgrounds across the state have been selected to receive grants of up to $2500 each and engage in a comprehensive year-long cohort experience. 

“This year’s fellows represent a diverse group of young women who have demonstrated exceptional leadership potential, determination, and commitment to making a difference in their lives and communities,” said Ethelind Kaba, Executive Director of the Ann Bancroft Foundation. “The Trailblazer Fellowship embodies our mission to inspire and support young women to dream big and reach their potential. We are immensely proud of them and their dedication to effecting positive change is truly inspiring. 

The 2024 – 2025 Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellows are:

 Adia Fienagha | Brooklyn Park, 12th grade

Adia received her first ABF grant to travel to China in 7th grade with her school. Adia aspires to pursue a career in film and storytelling. With the Trailblazer Fellowship grant, she will purchase essential equipment to amplify her voice and share meaningful narratives with the world. 

Ashley Akoussan | Minneapolis, 11th grade 

Ashley is passionate about bridging cultural gaps in the medical field. She will use her grant to attend an Introduction to Surgery Course at Johns Hopkins University, equipping herself with vital skills to address disparities in healthcare. 

Amy Vu | Bloomington, 10th grade

Amy dreams of becoming an accomplished flutist and finds solace in music. Her grant will support her continued flute lessons, nurturing her talent and fostering personal growth. 

Elyana Hewitt | Duluth, 11th grade 

Elyana is a journalist and editor for her school’s newspaper, a speech team member, and a theater member. Elyana is dedicated to pursuing a career in music education. Her grant will enable her to receive piano lessons and training, furthering her passion for music and preparing her for college.

Hawthorne Oachs | Minneapolis, 9th grade

Hawthorne aims to use music as a platform to advocate for mental health awareness.  Hawthorne will use the Trailblazer Fellowship grant to mix and master six original songs for a mini-album release.  

Madeline Lemmer | Winona, 11th grade 

Madeline aspires to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Her grant will facilitate her participation in the National Youth Leadership Conference at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, enhancing her leadership skills and legal knowledge. 

Mia Stipkovits | Minneapolis, 12th grade 

Mia, a talented musician, dreams of embarking on an international tour with her youth orchestra. Her grant will fund her journey to perform in southern France and Barcelona, fostering cultural exchange through music. 

Michon Harju | Duluth, 12th grade

Michon, an outdoor enthusiast and artist, seeks to broaden her horizons by attending college outside of Minnesota. Her grant will contribute to her tuition at an out-of-state institution, facilitating new experiences and personal growth. 

Per’Jah Hilliard | Minneapolis, 12th grade

Per’Jah is a softball player, performer, and recognized student leader among her peers at De La Salle High School. Per’Jah’s bold dream is to become a neurosurgeon. Her grant will support her undergraduate studies in biology, laying the foundation for her future medical aspirations. 

Serena Eischens | Stacy, 11th grade 

Serena’s bold dream is to earn her pilot’s license and become a commercial pilot. Serena used her first ABF grant to attend an aviation camp in the summer of 2022. She will use the Trailblazer Fellowship grant to continue aviation classes and prepare for the pilot exam.  


The Ann Bancroft Foundation acknowledges the invaluable support of its donors, partners, and advocates, whose contributions make the Trailblazer Fellowship program possible. Together, we are committed to empowering the next generation of explorers, leaders, and changemakers. 


For interview opportunities, please contact Lauren Skar at 612-361-8195 or  

The Ann Bancroft Foundation (ABF) inspires and encourages girls to imagine something bigger. ABF strives to build confidence and offer grants, mentorship, and ongoing development opportunities that will allow a girl to go after her dreams and feel supported along the way.   

In celebration of the remarkable achievements of ABF grantees, an upcoming event on April 25, 2024, will honor three trailblazing young women who are currently making significant contributions to their communities—Aaliyah Murray, Cloie Stevens, and Oluwatomini Ola. This annual celebration serves as a testament to the resilience, creativity, and dedication of ABF grant recipients in effecting positive change. For further information about the Ann Bancroft Foundation annual celebration,  

About Ann Bancroft 
Ann Bancroft is one of the world’s preeminent polar explorers and an internationally recognized leader who is dedicated to inspiring women and girls around the world to unleash the power of their dreams. Through her various roles as an explorer, educator, sought-after speaker, and philanthropist, Ann believes that by sharing stories related to her dreams of outdoor adventure, she can help inspire a global audience to pursue their individual dreams. Bancroft organized and led the first all-woman expedition to Antarctica, becoming the first-known woman to reach both Poles across the ice. In 2001 Bancroft and Norwegian Liv Arnesen became the first women in history to cross Antarctica’s landmass. 

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