
Check out the latest events, news and stories from our grantees, alumnae and beyond.

  1. Story
    Keena (St. Paul, 11th grade)
    I believe many of today’s problems stem from distrust or hatred of groups seen as “other,” such as people with different backgrounds, religions, races, sexualities, or gender expressions than one’s own. These issues could be lessened or fixed with more empathy and understanding of our commonalities.
  2. Story
    Kate (St. Michael, 11th grade)
    In my community, I would like to tackle overconsumption because of its impact on our environment.
  3. Story
    Isabelle (Lanesboro, 12th grade)
    I want to introduce the triangle method in my violin studio and actively engage the student’s parent(s) in the process. I want to inspire them with the Suzuki Method and involve them in their children’s musical journey so that it can become a rewarding, bonding, enriching experience for all.
  4. Story
    Ameyir (Minneapolis, 11th grade)
    If I had the power to change gun violence, I would. Not just gun violence in Minneapolis — gun violence everywhere. No individual should have to worry about their safety while they are outside in the world doing simple things based on their environment.
  5. Story
    Mentor story
    Michelle Storm is an educator at St. Paul City School and has served as a mentor for multiple ABF grantees.
  6. Story
    Girlhood Summit 2024
    On November 2, 2024, the Ann Bancroft Foundation welcomed middle and high school girls from across Minnesota to our Girlhood Summit, an empowering day filled with exploration, connection, and inspiration. See the recap and gallery.
  7. Story
    View From the Top of the World
    At this moment, women are on top of the world.
  8. Story
    Mercy Ncube, Trailblazer Spring 2023
    Mercy Ncube was awarded an Ann Bancroft Foundation award in Spring 2023 to attend the FCCLA Nationals Competition in Denver, Colorado. The 11th-grader from Blaine, MN achieved her goal of placing in the top 10 at this competition.
  9. Story
    Sharing knowledge through mentorship
    The mentor passes on knowledge, but in return receives knowledge from the mentee. You become a better, more fulfilled person by mentoring while improving your own leadership, communication, and listening skills. YOU GAIN FAR MORE THAN YOU GIVE!”