Keena (St. Paul, 11th grade)

My area of focus would be promoting empathy and understanding. I believe many of today’s problems stem from distrust or hatred of groups seen as “other,” such as people with different backgrounds, religions, races, sexualities, or gender expressions than one’s own. These issues could be lessened or fixed with more empathy and understanding of our commonalities.
In fact, theatre is my favorite art medium and dream because it allows me to tackle these very issues. When watching a play or a musical, people step into another world for a few hours. This immersive experience allows people to gain a better understanding of others and the world we all live in once they emerge from the production because they have seen life from another angle. The empathy that theatre fosters is irreplaceable.
Theatre also creates a sense of community among people who may not initially have much in common, such as audiences, actors, and stage crews, which often leads to more understanding. With so much polarization in our society, it is important to strengthen groups that build community, like theaters and the Ann Bancroft Foundation. Sharing experiences and working together to achieve common goals are key to promoting empathy.