Granting & Evaluation Committee
The Granting & Evaluation Committee, along with staff, manages and implements the application and grant process. The Committee periodically reviews the grant guidelines to ensure that the work remains relevant and meets the needs of girls across Minnesota.
The work of this Committee is completed by standing committee members who participate in the selection of grantees, interviewing grantees post-experience, reviewing program evaluation results, and developing proposed operational and program related changes for consideration by other Committees (e.g., Alumnae Relations) and Board. In addition, there are ad-hoc committee members who participate in the selection of grantees and/or interviewing grantees post-experience.
Committee Requirements:
- Membership on this committee is open to non-board members as well as current ABF board members.
- ABF board members are asked to participate in a granting review twice during each term.
Time required of Committee members:
- Granting: Twice per year review grant applications (Approximately 35-50 applications, approximately four hours to complete) and attend two in-person evening meetings (May, November) of two hours each. Standing committee members also participate in meetings to review program evaluation results and develop proposed operational and program related changes.
- Evaluation: Twice per year ABF surveys grantees to learn about the impact the experience has had on the girl and to gather information to improve the program. In addition, each evaluation round, Committee members are asked to interview two girls to gather more in-depth information for use in program improvement and marketing. Committee members are asked to complete a short report summarizing the interviewees' comments. Training is provided. Standing committee members also participate in meetings to review program evaluation results and develop proposed operational and program related changes.
Committee Skills/Strengths Desired:
- Demonstrated passion for youth development and empowering young girls.
- Willingness to complete training and commit to serve on Committee for a minimum of one year (i.e., two granting cycles and two evaluation cycles), two years preferred.
- Ability to utilize evaluation data to critically assess current program and develop recommendations for improvement.
- Support of the mission of ABF.
- Willingness to engage with grantees as part of the evaluation process.
Committee Charge:
- At this time, the Granting Committee meets twice per year, typically in May and November, to review approve grant requests.
Committee Authority:
- The Committee recommends to the board the overall dollar amount to be granted, the Committee approves the individual grantees.
- The Committee periodically reviews the grant guidelines to ensure that the work remains relevant and meets the needs of girls across Minnesota. Any recommended changes must be approved by the Board.
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