Help a girl unlock her confidence and pursue her dreams

Why does ABF require a mentor for a grant applicant?
Why mentor
Mentors make the difference
Your Role
Mentors are integral part of a girl’s grant experience
As one of the few girls taking engineering electives in high school, my voice is often ignored. Now I have learned the importance of being treated as equal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our grant application deadlines are April 1 and October 1 each year.
From the time of grant application deadlines (April 1 or October 1), the Granting Review Committee reads each and every application and then meets in person to select the group of recipients.
Our notification dates are always on or before May 20 (spring deadline) or November 20 (fall deadline). Notifications are sent via email to both the applicant and the mentor.
The grant application is online. You may save and exit at any time, allowing you to complete it as you have time.
We work directly with the Activity Providers to determine the payment requirements and line up payment with the activity provider’s regular fee deadline. Applicants also provide these details in their application and Grant Acceptance Form. In addition, we are requesting that the activity providers invoice us for payment. Checks are then sent directly to the activity provider's mailing address.